Market for Sustainable Agriculture

How do supermarkets encourage the demand for food that is sustainably produced?

Supermarkets are a funnel between the food that is produced and the food that their customers place in their shopping baskets. As gatekeepers, they can determine the environmental standards for the food in their product offer and what to promote. To make the food system more sustainable, food needs to be more sustainably produced. Our program Demand for Sustainable Agriculture aims to advocate for goal setting at retailers, to build a movement with key figures in the system and to ignite the race to the top in retail.


Benchmark Organic 2025

Which efforts do Dutch supermarkets make to encourage increase the sales of organic food?

Organic in the supermarket

How can supermarkets encourage the growth of the organic market?


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Weg met de donkergroene consument

Supermarkten zeggen dat ze best meer biologisch in hun winkels willen. Het schiet alleen niet op. Welke barrières zijn er echt, en welke hindernissen zijn prima te nemen?

a year ago
Seminar Bio in de Supermarkt

Seminar Bio in de Supermarkt

a year ago

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