Benchmark Organic 2024

Which efforts do Dutch supermarkets make to encourage increase the sales of organic food?

The European Union has set a target to grow organic farmland to 25% in 2030. The Netherlands has set a target at 15%. An important means to reach these targets is to raise the demand from the market. Supermarkets play a crucial role in creating this demand.

Questionmark's Benchmark Organic 2024 will assess supermarkets' efforts to encourage the growth for demand of organic food. The benchmark is part of the broader research program Superlist Green but the resulting publication has a different form. The benchmark can be regarded as an intermediate assessment on a number of indicator specifically looking at organic farming. The indicators for this benchmark are aligned as much as possible with the more general indicators of Superlist Green. The benchmark does not result in a general ranking of supermarkets.

Publication is expected in fall 2024.


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