Alcohol promotions
This research compares the alcohol promotions of the six largest Dutch supermarkets – Albert Heijn, Aldi, Dirk, Jumbo, Lidl en Plus - between 2020 and 2024. Questionmark zooms in on Superlist Health the Netherlands 2024 findings, in collaboration with the AlcoholPreventie voor de Gezonde Generatie (AlcoholPrevention for the Healthy Generation).

Number of supermarket promotions for alcohol doubled in four years
Youngsters extra vulnerable for alcohol marketing
Supermarkets are promoting more alcohol in their promotional flyers, despite their commitments in the National Prevention Agreement to encourage healthy food choices. This is according to new research by think tank Questionmark in collaboration with KWF Kankerbestrijding and the MDL Foundation. In 2024, the weekly promotional flyers of the six largest supermarket chains contained an average of 445 alcohol promotions, twice as many as in 2020 (219 promotions). Alcohol has been proven to be harmful to health, including an increased risk of seven types of cancer.
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