Superlist Environment Germany 2025
How do German supermarkets contribute to a sustainable food system?
Superlist Environment is an ongoing benchmarking and advisory project on the environmental sustainability performances of food retailers, conducted in several European countries. Superlist Environment Germany is conducted in partnership with Albert Schweitzer Foundation, Madre Brava, Physician Association for Nutrition and ProVeg, with consulting from Deutsche Umwelthilfe.
Superlist Environment in Germany compares the supermarkets with the largest market share (Aldi Nord, Aldi Süd, Edeka, Kaufland, Lidl and Rewe) on the issues: protein transition, sustainable agriculture and deforestation, and climate plans.
Research method Superlist Environment Germany 2025
The biggest bang for the buck
How German supermarkets can hit climate targets and save money
For this Superlist, Questionmark collaborates with the following partners from civil society





Project timeline
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